Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ab Initio - Sandbox
  • A sandbox is a collection of graphs and related files that are stored in a single directory tree, and treated as a group for purpose of version control, navigation, and migration.
  • Sandbox is a collection of the various directories like bin, mp, dml, run etc which contains the mentadat (Graphs and theis associated files)
  • A sandbox can be a file system copy of a data-store project.
  • In the graph, instead of specifying the entire path for any file location, we specify only the sandbox parameter variable. For Ex: $AI_IN_DATA/customer_info.dat. where $AI_IN_DATA contains the entire path with reference to the sandbox $AI_HOME variable.
  • The actual in_data die is $AI_HOME/in_dat in sandbox.
  • The sandbox provides an excellent mechanism to maintain uniqueness while moving from development to production environment by means switch parameters.
  • We can define parameters in sandbox those can be used across all the graphs pertaining to that sandbox.
  • The topmost variable $PROJECT_DIR contains the path of the home directory.
  • Sandbox can be associated with only one project, but project can have many sandboxes.

What is the difference between sandbox and EME, We can perform checkin and checkout through sandbox.

Sandboxes are work areas used to develop, test or run code associated with a given project.  Only one version of the code can be held within the sandbox at any time.  The EME Datastore contains all versions of the code that have been checked into it. A particular sandbox is associated with only one Project where as a Project can be checked out to a number of sandboxes

The project is under source control under EME. You can't do any manipulations on the project which is in EME. So if you want to do any manipulations you have to check out the project into your sandbox and do whatever manipulations you want and for updating the project you have to checkin the project.

You have to set up one working area in your system to work on the project, that working area is your sandbox.

Check in/check out are the procedure to send/extract graphs from sandbox to EME.

Check In   :  Process of sending a graph from sand box to EME.
Check out :  Process of taking graph from EME to sand box.

Useful Links

1. Ab Initio Introduction
2. Ab Initio Components
3. Ab initio Parallelism
4. Ab Initio Basic Graph Development
5. Ab Initio Multifiles